Upcoming Initiative

Date: August 1, 2024

Welcome to Nourish & Learn

Empowering Communities Through Education and Nutrition At National Foundation For Hope, we are proud to introduce Nourish & Learn, an initiative dedicated to empowering children in West Africa and beyond through education and nutrition programs. Nourish & Learn aims to address the interconnected challenges of malnutrition and limited access to quality education, fostering healthier, more prosperous communities.

What We Do:

Nutrition Education

Educating children and families about the importance of balanced diets, dietary diversity, and healthy eating habits.

School Feeding Programs

Providing nutritious meals and snacks to students, ensuring they have the energy and focus they need to succeed academically.

Community Engagement

Collaborating closely with local communities to understand their unique needs and challenges and fostering ownership and sustainability.

Capacity Building

Empowering teachers, parents, and caregivers with the skills and knowledge to support children's health and learning through training workshops and resources.

Get Involved:
You can be a part of this transformative initiative by donating, volunteering, or spreading the word to support our mission.

Contact Us:
For inquiries, partnerships, or to learn more about how you can get involved, please contact us at info@nffh.org or 801-882-7748.

Follow Us:
Stay updated on our latest initiatives and impact stories by following us on social media platforms

Join us as we nourish minds and bodies, one child at a time. Together, we can build a brighter future for all.