The National Foundation For Hope, with the goal of investing in and elevating the field of holistic development, is pleased to announce the first cohort of the Equity in Holistic Development Fellowship Program in the summer of 2023. NFFH is inviting applications from diverse people to participate as Equity in Holistic Development Fellows in this purposeful 8-week program.


As a part of its ongoing commitment to advancing equity in a holistic approach to life and business NFFH is launching the Equity in Holistic Development Fellowship Program in 2023. The fellowship provides 100 diverse people interested in holistic development the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the field, and to spend time working to advance substantive and impactful projects in their businesses and in their communities.

Objectives of the Fellowship Program include:

Connecting people with opportunities and access in business development with the hope of developing their long-term interest and establishing healthy habits which produce profit and effectiveness in business.
Increasing the number of diverse business people
Expanding the diversity of community members and economic development leaders.
Addressing historic disparities, injustice, and advancing social equity in the economic development industry.

Democracy in business, ownership, financial literacy, leveraging credit, building business credit, restoring personal credit, generational wealth creation, leveling the playing field, bankable consumer power to facilitate access to asset value

A holistic approach to life and business. “There is no such thing as work-life balance – it is all life. The balance has to be within you.” SadhguruRenegotiating the contract with self-worth and self-esteem in order to have a greater expectation and manifest excellence.Put the good of the whole above all personal desires. Like minds. Truly there is a message within the body about unity creation.Organs working in unity for the survival of 1 organism …… what happens if organizations work in unity for survival of our world?